DeFi: Rebuilding the Future

welcome to the premier issue of "alpha unhashed", aarnâ's fortnightly newsletter illuminating our journey towards a decentralized, intelligent, and accessible financial future. We will decode alpha.

2022 wasn’t a great year for crypto, with an onslaught of fraud, mismanagement, and high-profile hacks causing staggering losses, and trust and credibility plummeting. But in some sense, it was a much needed cleansing of bad actors, and inconsistent models. It’s time to look ahead.

Serious developers and founders saw the potential for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) to re-create a trustworthy financial landscape and forge a reliable future. Now, DeFi's total value locked (TVL) soaring past $200 billion.

At aarnâ, we’ve been building long & hard to create the future of DeFi, which we believe will be built on the vector of autonomous alpha discovery.

crypto is an inherently participative asset class, but users and investors face daunting challenges when accessing DeFi and uncovering alpha, or higher financial rewards in crypto markets. Major hurdles include DeFi's complexity, significant fragmentation, poor user experience, and disorganized intelligence. By fusing human expertise with AI, and tokenization technology, decentralized asset management can address these challenges, simplifying access to DeFi and DeFi alpha. aarnâ's â_fi vaults offer an elegant solution, by facilitating easy access for users and investors to complex DeFi innovation for alpha strategies. A vital part of the aarnâ ecosystem is aarnâ DAO, where discovery of alpha begins.

aarnâ DAO is the beating heart of aarnâ protocol, serving as a hub for alpha creators (individuals & investment DAOs / projects), data scientists & AI protocols, web3 contributors, and aarnâ seers for setting governance guidelines. It nurtures decentralized alpha creation through collaboration, protocol governance, and incentive alignment. Amongst the first  eminent members of aarnâ DAO are Nitin Gaur and Simon Dingle.

Nitin Gaur, a seasoned blockchain expert and current Global Head of Digital Asset and Tech Design at State Street Capital, is a thought leader in fintech, crypto, central banks, regulatory finance, and DeFi.

and, Simon Dingle, from South Africa, is an original crypto trailblazer, advocate for financial inclusion and economic liberty. Writer and product lead for major crypto projects, co-authored "Beyond Bitcoin", a visionary exploration of DeFi.

The last two months have been brimming, both on our product dev side, and the beginning of our community outreach. Check out our March update.